Manufacturers we're missing



Added all three, though Mars Cycles website is down: http://www.defthousebicycles.c...

I've always been unclear on whether Bullitt is the manufacturer or the model. Some of their web page's copy makes it unclear too. Looking it over carefully, you're right. Larry Vs Harry is the manufacturer. I apologize!

Bullitt bikes previously registered on Bike Index are now registered as Larry Vs Harry instead!

Yep. Figured it out and fixed it. Sorry about that!




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They're on there now

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Yup, added them

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Added BSP to the list.

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The frame model list is a separate concern. It would be great to add more models - but it's a difficult time consuming process since they aren't universally published.

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Added all four. Do you have any Schmidt components?

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Added them :)

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They have a new website:

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Well... We have 1325 total, which is as many as we know about.

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Yes, I have Schmidt Lights and Hub.

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Please add Maxcom LTD - :)

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Oops. Fixed

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